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Home Security

Home security : Tips to improve home security using home security system

By May 1, 2017June 24th, 20213 Comments
10 Tips to Improve Your Home’s Security

Protecting your family starts with protecting your home. But with so many home security resources available out there, gathering home security tips can be a bit overwhelming. We’ve compiled the top ten home security tips to help get you started on home security and protection.
Protecting your family starts with protecting your home. But with so many home security resources available out there, gathering home security tips can be a bit overwhelming. We’ve compiled the top ten home security tips to help get you started on home security and protection. All of the tips are easy to implement and inexpensive.

1. Change the Locks

Remember to change all the locks when you move into a new house. You’ll never know who had access to the keys before you moved in. If you lose the keys to your house, you should also replace all the locks for maximum home security.

2. Install an Alarm System

Home security alarm

Alarm systems are one of the best forms of home protection. Home alarm systems immediately inform emergency authorities and warn homeowners of any potential dangers. Seeing that a home has an alarm system often prevents an intruder from even attempting a burglary. Hearing an alarm go off usually sends a burglar running.

3. Conceal All Wiring

Burglars often look for wiring around the exterior of a house and can cut it to disable the security system. Keep your home security wires hidden.

4. Give the Appearance That Your House Is Occupied

Professional burglars scour neighborhoods looking for homeowners who are away from their homes for an extended period of time. Automatic timers are great ways to turn lights on and off while you’re away.

5. Don’t Leave Your Key in the Mailbox

This is a that everyone has heard, but many still ignore. One of the easiest ways to enter a home uninvited is by finding a key in the mailbox or under the doormat. Wrap your key in foil and place it in a secret spot that only your family knows about.

6. Light Up the Entrance to Your Home

A smart way to keep thieves away is to utilize lighting. Lighting with an infrared detector automatically turns on when someone is in a specific zone or area. No burglar wants to be in easy view while committing a crime.

7. Install Deadbolt Locks

All exterior doors should have at least 1-inch thick deadbolt locks. Although more expensive than spring latch locks, deadbolts are much stronger and provide significantly more protection. When installing deadbolts, make sure to leave a minimal amount of space between the door and its frame, as this provides an opportunity for an intruder to pry the door apart. Doors can be reinforced with plywood or a piece of sheet metal.

8. Use Metal Bars on Sliding Doors

Any sliding glass doors, patio doors, or sliding windows should have a metal bar that is placed along the bottom track of the door or window. The metal bar can prevent a burglar from forcing the door or window open.

9. Use Interior Door Hinges

If your door has hinges on the outside of your house, an intruder can easily remove the hinge pin to gain entry. For optimal home security, remove the door and reset the hinges so that they are on the inside of the house.

10. Protect Your Windows

Burglars often gain entry into homes through windows. Protect these vulnerable areas with window locks and/or burglar-resistant glass. Installing many small panes of glass instead of one large pane of glass is a good option as well.



  • Security plays important role and secures nation. The blog is fully informative for home security system. Thank you for sharing. I really enjoyed reading it.

  • Rahul says:

    I found this post really very informative and useful as the crime rate is increasing day by day and ensuring home safety is the crying need of hour. I will definitely implement these safety tips and will pass on to my friends and family as well.

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