Home » All You Need to Know About GPS Tracking Devices
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Global positioning system originally known as NAVSTAR GPS is a satellite-based radio navigation system owned by the US government. It was originally launched in 1973 by the Dept. of Defense and became fully functional in 1995. It is a network of 24 satellites.
A GPS tracker is a device which is used to track the location of where something is. Now the big question arises “Why would someone need a GPS Tracker”? Well, basically it’s needed to detect the location of someone or something be it your vehicles or high valued asset, delivery truck or children and pets.GPS trackers can be fixed or portable. The units which are used in vehicles are fixed ones and the ones which are used to track children, pets, luggage, assets etc. are the portable units. With a wide range of variety, GPS trackers are broadly Categorized into three types: –
- Personal GPS trackers (For Kids, Elders, and Pets)
- Vehicle GPS trackers (For Bikes, cars, and trucks)
- Asset GPS trackers (for luggage and high valued assets)
Benefits of GPS Tracking Devices
- Prevention of Car Theft: GPS trackers are an excellent anti-theft device. In case of any stolen vehicle GPS trackers are used to detect its precise location. Thanks to GPS technology many stolen cars have been recovered by this.
- Tracking your Pets location: – Have you ever been worried about your pets getting stolen or wandering off to somewhere? Well not anymore, Thanks to GPS technology you now track your pets by installing a GPS enabled pet collar on them and track your pet’s location anytime, anywhere.
- Watching out for elders:- Elders with a neurodegenerative disease like Dementia, and Alzheimer’s disease who have a tendency of wandering off to somewhere. A GPS tracker can also help their caretakers locate them. There are other ways too to track the elders like cleverly installing a GPS tracker on their shoes or providing them with a GPS enabled watch.
- Mapping and Surveying:- GPS can also be used in mapping and surveying project. The use of GPS in surveying saves companies time and cost. This is the best way to survey positions in the shortest time possible. The project could be a mapping of highways, power lines, crops, soil types, rivers etc.
- Mining:- Earth miners use GPS technology to detect the presence of certain minerals at a specified location. They are helpful in tracking the location of minerals in Earth’s location.
- Fleet tracking:- Companies which uses a GPS fleet tracking system like Fed-ex, Uber, OLA etc. can greatly increase their efficiency by cutting down their costs on fuel and operational costs. And also, the companies which offer cab services ensure the safety of their passengers by using GPS Tracking System on their vehicles.
- Tracking suspected people:- The GPS trackers are also used by the police in tracking suspects and potential criminals by cleverly attaching tiny GPS tracker on their vehicles and track their activity
- Securing Paintings and high valued assets:- The some painting and artworks are worth millions when they are sold in auctions, displayed in a gallery or transferred to different museums. So in order to protect them from theft tiny GPS trackers are attached to them as a precautionary measure to track their artwork in case of robbery.
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We would love to assist you with your GPS Tracking requirements.
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