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Benefits of cleaning Robots in this pandemic

By July 9, 2021August 1st, 2024No Comments

For better or worse robots have replaced many humans in their jobs during this Covid 19 situation. People often say that human interaction is very important for any job but Covid 19 has changed that. Covid 19 has really changed the consumer’s preference and the new opportunities that are seeking in today’s market. Many companies are using robots to maintain social distancing. And also to reduce the number of staff who physically work in the office. The use of robots is helping business owners to follow safety guidelines. America’s biggest retailer Walmart is also using robots to scrub their floors. South Korea has been using robots to measure temperature and distribute sanitizer.

Experts have said that as more businesses reopen we can expect to see more usage of technology in everyday life. Today people have become more health-conscious and by using technology they can ensure a very less human interaction in the future.

Self-cleaning robots at hotels to ensure safety

Guests coming into a restaurant expect a warm and pleasant welcome from the receptionist. A well-arranged lobby, a clean and comfortable room are the basic requirements of guests. But as the Covid 19 spread throughout the world the demand for cleanliness has amplified. To ensure the safety of their guests it has become very important for restaurants to strictly follow the safety guidelines. But the people who are ensuring our safety such as hotel managers, hotel staff also need to be protected. So to make this happen many restaurants and hotels have turned to self-cleaning robots during this pandemic.

Hotels are a necessity for many people who travel a lot. By looking at the diverse origin of guests it can be very hazardous.  Because of this, the guests who are staying at hotels are at risk. And not only the guest but the staff working there is also at risk. During this pandemic, many researchers and start-ups have started working on projects. Such projects will remove the human factor in the cleaning process and lead to effective and cost-saving options. Removing the human factor from cleaning helped the hotels to ensure the safety of their guests. And also to reduce the working staff in their hotel.

Self-cleaning robots have helped a lot of businesses during this pandemic to keep up with all the strict safety guidelines. Moving toward automation can keep people healthier and people will reward those companies who do that. So first let us see how these cleaning robots have helped people in cleaning during this pandemic.

Helps with social distancing

The food business is a place where a lot of people are required to work in different departments. But as the pandemic hit the world it has become impossible to get so many people at the same place and at the same time. So food service has become another area where the use of robots for cleaning and serving has increased. Food businesses have been using robots to maintain social distancing and to follow safety guidelines. Robots have helped to remove the human interaction part of cleanliness and in this way, the businesses don’t have to worry about social distancing between their workers as well. 

Cleaning hospitals effectively

As the whole world is facing such a dangerous virus our hospitals and medical staff are working day and night to save lives. To ensure that the hospital rooms and lobbies have to be cleaned thoroughly so that patients coming to the hospitals can be safe and sound. Using traditional methods and chemicals to wipe out every germ is not possible in the allotted time. And as a result, every year hospital-acquired infections are responsible for thousands of deaths and that’s under normal circumstances.

Now with the whole health care system being shaken by the number of patients being admitted. For the patients who are infected by this deadly virus, it has become impossible for hospitals to clean each and every room thoroughly with human help. That’s why many hospitals have started using virus-killing robots. These robots prevent the transmission of the coronavirus from surfaces. As the robots are doing the cleaning job the medical staff can focus on tasks that require a human element.

Using these robots also helps the overworked and over-stressed medical staff to relax a bit. Covid 19 can spread through contaminated surfaces like glass, metal, plastic, etc. So by ordering a machine to clean an area that has a lot of sick patients can help the hospitals to limit their health care professional’s exposure to this deadly virus.

To promote public safety

Cleaning officers have limited resources and staff which can’t be everywhere. So now even the cleaning department has started offloading their work on robots. Robots help them in monitoring the cities and countries in a very efficient way. After this pandemic has hit us many countries have already deployed bots to ensure the safety of their citizens. By using robots for cleaning and sanitizing public places they can ensure that the places are clean and even their workers are safe

Way more effective than humans

Machines have always proved more effective than humans in almost every aspect. Using robots for cleaning has not only helped the businesses to maintain safety but also helped them in making their work efficient. As compared to a human being a robot can work for longer hours without getting tired and without complaining. Robots rarely make any mistakes while doing their work and during such a difficult time we need an option on which we can rely. Using a robot for cleaning can also help the workers who work in that department as they don’t have to work in dust and dirt they can just supervise them. With the Covid 19 situation in the world, it is also not safe for humans to go and work in such places.

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