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By May 22, 2017June 25th, 2021No Comments
Traveler's Safety Guide

Travel as much as you can, as far as you can, and as long as you can. And Life is not meant to be lived in one place.

Travel can be exhilarating but also scary at times. When you’re venturing into the great unknown, follow these safety tips to protect yourself and ensure a happy and secure journey.

Unwary tourists can make easy targets for criminals since they catch everyone’s eye, are new to the place, and are for the most part while paying through currency exchange, Visas, and resources like cameras. You can decrease your danger of being robbed or burglarized by taking a couple of basic precautionary measures. There are a few Do’s and Dont’s while you are traveling that you should keep in mind.

Do you research

Become acquainted with your objective from top to bottom before you travel. Read travelers’ surveys and talk with local people for data about the most secure areas, spots to remain, and rates of wrongdoing.

Make copies of your important documents

No one can tell when you may require a duplicate of your visa, driver’s permit, or any other type of ID. Create a duplicate and keep saved it on your phone or laptop, or print a few printed copies. That way, you will not be scrambling to discover appropriate documentation on the off chance that you need to return home.

Keep your belongings safe if you are traveling alone

Regardless of where you are staying, there are steps you can take to make your room more secure. Lock and bolt the door and keep your windows shut. You can purchase a jammer, which is a convenient gadget that sneaks by the entryway for another layer of security.

Don’t Carry Everything Together 

It might be tempting to keep your cash, credit cards, identification, and traveler’s checks in your wallet, but don’t do it. Keep any cash, credit cards, IDs, and checks you won’t be using locked in your hotel room safe. Separate the monetary and identifying items you must carry on you and carry them in different spots on your person. This safety tip prevents you from losing everything should somebody steal your wallet.

Be Aware Of Your Surroundings

Venturing into unknown territory is one of the thrills of travel. But don’t let yourself get easily distracted, by sights and sounds. Be cautious and vigilant of where you are.

Raise Help Signal

Don’t hesitate to get help from the surrounding by using personal safety alarms, which would also distract and disorient the attacker.

Carry A Safety Mechanism At All Times

It can be a Pepper Spray (which you can’t bring on the plane, but you can put in a checked bag) or a whistle or a knuckle – whichever tool that makes you feel comfortable.

Rechargeable Torch With Shock Effect

If you’re going to be doing any travelling or hiking at night, Invest in a strong but compact flashlight you can clip onto your backpack. The Super LED flashlight with electricity hidden in the device will shock your attacker, acting as good personal protection equipment.

Play To Your Strengths

If you can’t get away and you’re left with no other choice but to fight, use the basic self-defense techniques.



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