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Personal safety – Why should we look out for ourselves ?

By August 11, 2015June 28th, 2021No Comments
self defence products

Personal safety – Why should we look out for ourselves?

Most of us, at some point of time in life, must have been bullied by someone. Maybe we were bullied by our friends, neighbours, colleagues or even by our senior officials/boss at various levels. There’s one more fact that is most common with all of us, and that’s the reply from our parents and elders to ignore it, and they will stop bullying you one day. This kind of teachings is actually responsible for our ignorance towards personal safety, which keeps us waiting for the adverse situation to pass away instead of taking our own responsibility and fighting back.

Today, we have become similar to an alcoholic who is well aware of the consequences of consuming alcohol, but he continues to do it even then. As we are dependent on various people around us, including our family, we should also remind ourselves that they too are dependent on us, and at least for the sake of all those people, we should never ignore our personal safety. Basically, it is the attitude that has grown within us over time that makes us ignore most safety measures. Repetitive ignorance of personal safety, which resulted in no harm, has made us believe that personal safety is totally unimportant.

Most of us suffer from a ‘nothing can happen to me attitude. Till someone doesn’t go through a personal bad experience, they never learn to take care of their personal safety. Even sportsperson like scuba divers or mountaineers gets well prepared before actually, they are on their journey. If they can understand the importance of their safety, why can’t we? People who are uneducated or poor ignore personal safety because they fail to understand its importance. Personal safety measures are a burden that they don’t want to add to their already burdened lifestyle. But every human being should acknowledge that there must be a certain number of people in everyone’s life who care for us and for whom we care too. At least for their sake, we should start undertaking the habit of maintaining our personal safety. At last, we can never expect to have a risk free life, but if we are well prepared, no risk can make us succumb to it. So don’t forget to have Xboom in your pocket/bag while you go out.

Live safe!

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