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Personal Safety Gadgets

Your One-Stop Destination For All Safety Gears. Protect Yourself with Top-Quality Safety Gadgets.

Stun Guns

To be prepared is to be safe, Stun guns are a safe, effective way to protect yourself and your loved ones from harm.


stay safe with the ultimate self-defense product like batons it is a great self-defense baton that is used for multiple purposes.


Find high-quality paracord gear, paracord bracelets, paracord belts, and more. Our collection is hand-picked to help you get through a crisis with ease.

Anti-theft devices

Prevent criminals from stealing your valuable belongings.

Spy Gadgets

Explore A wide range of spy gadgets, spy gadgets accessories, and spy gadgets kits in one place. Top-selling spy gadgets that are easy to use and conceal

Motorola Walkie Talkie

The Motorola Walkie Talkie is a compact, portable two-way radio offering very long-range communications. Get up to 16 hours of use with only two AA batteries.

GPS Trackers

Track & Protect Your Loved Ones from Anywhere. With advanced Trackers

FAQs on Personal Safety Devices

What are Personal Safety Devices?

These devices are mainly for women safety from any kind of attacks / harrasment.

When can Safety Devices be used ?

These devices are pocket size and can be used while travelling alone, walking in unsafe locations, basement parking space, unsafe office premises, etc.

Any harmful effect of these gadgets?

Only the attacker will be affected for a short while.

Essential Things Women Can Carry To Protect Themselves From Assault

  • Pepper Spray
  • Taser
  • A Sharp Pencil
  • Swiss Knife
  • Folding Baton
  • GPS Tracker
  • Whistle
  • Basic Self-Defense

safety devices

We’ve all heard the famous saying, “It’s better to be safe than sorry”. Sometimes, safety devices we thought hard after hearing it, wondering how we could be safer and sometimes we’ve rolled our eyes and told our parents to leave us alone. However, safety can never be ignored, especially in the times we live in. Every single day we hear or read a new story about a woman being molested, harassed or worse, and it shakes us to our core. Safety has never been more important, and as women, we need to do everything we can to protect ourselves. We recently had a conversation on Girl Tribe by MissMalini  discussing the essential safety items women carry to protect themselves and it was insightful. Here are some things women carry to protect themselves and you should too.

8 Essential Things (safety devices) Women Carry To Protect Themselves From Assault:

1. Pepper Spray

The age-old classic pepper spray is a magical weapon. It’s excruciatingly painful and can be used from a distance too. Many women carry it to protect themselves. It’s easy to carry and easier to use. However, it may end up irritating your eyes too, so please be careful about that!

2. Taser

Nothing says, “don’t mess with me” like a good old electric shock. Tasers are one of the most common self-defense weapons that women carry and they work wonders. It takes a single button to send mini lightning bolts down an attacker’s body. They won’t dare to come near you, or any other woman ever.

3. A Sharp Pencil

A sharp pointed pencil is extremely painful, if used right. It’s an underrated safety devices and can be used to protect yourself from anyone who wants to harm you. It’s easy to carry, especially into areas which don’t allow pepper sprays and tasers. The key is to keep it sharpened at all times!

4. Swiss Knife

The most multi-faceted tool, the Swiss Knife is famous for being an all-in-one survival kit works as safety devices. Right from having a corkscrew, tweezer, scissor to screwdrivers, it is very handy. The best part is, it has many blades and pointed extensions that can seriously injure someone (we’re talking bloody injuries). They’re the size of a finger and can be used to fend off any sort of assault very effectively. And, they make you feel super cool and independent, which is always a plus.

5. Folding Baton

Folding batons or rods are very effective in fighting off an assault. They’re easy to carry (they can easily be attached to your keys), they’re long-lasting and if you’ve ever swung a cricket bat or played badminton, you already know how to use it. Most important of all, they hurt. So very badly. One hit between the legs of your assaulter, and he’ll be on the ground… for hours.

6. GPS Tracker

Carrying a designated GPS tracker can be extremely helpful. It is always recommended to share your location using phone applications, but in event something happens, your phone can break, fall out or even be deliberately switched off or destroyed. A GPS tracker is very handy in such situations. They can be sleek and be attached to your clothes, wallet or even your shoes.

7. Whistle

Nothing spooks an assualter more than a deafening, loud, whistle that can attract attention to his act. Whistles can be as small as a thumb and must be carried by all women. The instant you feel someone is about to assault you, use it as your cry for help!

8. Basic Self-Defense

While this isn’t something that can be carried, it is essential to fight off any sort of assault. All women need to know basic self-defense techniques. Knowing how to get out of choke-holds, injuring men, where it hurts, and knocking someone out, are just some things we need to learn. The best part is, these can literally learn off YouTube! So please get to it ASAP and become a milder, but the equally deadly version of a Charlie’s Angel.


Security Devices

The XBOOM Security Devices have brought the best home alerts and security systems yet. App-enabled Security Devices can protect your cabinets, home, bikes, etc. Furthermore, you can connect with your home lights, AC, and other electronic devices with their help.   Additionally, XBOOM has brought Security Devices at an exclusive price only for its customers. 

But what are the benefits of security devices? Let us learn the benefits of Security Devices.


Protects Your Belongings 

Since most criminals search out costly gadgets, medications, and gems, a keen home security framework can help alert you and specialists if you are robbed. This can build the odds of your thief getting captured and bringing down the expense of your house being stripped. 

Incorporates Well With Home Automation 

One of the critical highlights of possessing a home security framework is incorporating great with your other savvy home gadgets. This incorporates smart lights, entryway bolts, and surprisingly wise indoor regulators. Everything can be effortlessly associated and gotten to utilizing your brilliant home security framework site or application on your PC, cell phone, or tablet. For instance, you can set a mode for when you return home from work to turn on your TV, turn on the AC, or even enact Alexa to give you the most recent news. 


You Can Access It From Virtually Anywhere 

Since your brilliant home security framework can interface with your PC, cell phone, or tablet, you can get to it from home or in a hurry. Regardless of whether you need to see your surveillance cameras, lock your entryways, or change your house’s indoor regulator, there’s no restriction on what you can do from any place on the planet. In addition, the application and site stage you use for your brilliant home security framework will have added assurance and security to your advantage. 

You Will Be Protected day in and day out 

Some common home security frameworks expect you to kill it on or each time you show up or leave your home. Your keen home security framework is on every minute of every day and can send you alarms for the day, depending on how you program it. This can assist you with forestalling, neglecting to walk out on, and going out unprotected. Also, a few frameworks even permit movement detecting and can trigger crisis notices if it presumes something isn’t right. 

 It’S A Complex System 

Savvy home security frameworks are substantially more intricate and natural frameworks than traditional security strategies. Rather than basically following principle section focuses, a wise home framework can follow genuine practices and alarm you utilizing instant messages if they speculate any dubious development. 


Forestall Theft 

The ideal approach to forestall robbery or harm to your house is to keep thieves from focusing on your home in any case. However, how precisely do you do that? The simple presence of one of these alerts is regularly enough to keep looters out of a home? 

These are the benefits of installing home security devices.

XBOOM is an e-commerce platform that brings innovative products for you. Security devices will not just add to your security but also give you peace of mind. So buy it today at a reasonable price only at XBOOM. So get up and grab up the deals.

Customer Reviews


Excellent product , easy to carry.
I need it’s charging cable since i lost the one i got. Can i get the charging cable and what is the charge for it to get delivered.

Adil Kavina

This is seriously a very cool self defence tool, robust construction & totally paisa vasul,
Need to order a few more to keep in cars & business establishments .

ram ji.

Best self defense stun gun this is very small and cute and power full item
Go and bought this item. Thanks xboom .

Tanu Sharma

My friend introduced me to XBoom products and I love them. The products are of high quality and are reliable. I got my own pepper spray from here and its a great Value For Money.


Hi…it’s a best gift for my daughter’s birthday…as I can connect with her whenever I’m away in the safest possible way…and rewards feature, message feauture, alarm etc all are useful..she is enjoying it a lot

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